Air pollution is one of the DKI Jakarta problems which has not been able to be overcome by the government. Based on data released by IQAir today, Monday (20/6/2022), the air quality in Jakarta occupies the first position of the worst air quality in Indonesia.
It is known that the air quality in Jakarta has been at an unhealthy level since Tuesday, June 14, 2022. Especially this morning at 07.00 WIB, it touched 199 and was the highest in the world.
Exactly at 11.24 WIB, air pollution in Jakarta has an AQ index of 155 which indicates an unhealthy condition.
It is known, that Jakarta is ranked first in air pollution above Santiago, Chile (180), Dubai, UAE (165), Kuwait (153), and Delhi, India (146).
Quoted from the world’s air quality monitoring site,, the concentration of PM2.5 or air particles in Jakarta is currently 18.2 times above the World Health Organization (WHO) annual air quality guide value.
In fact, the position of the air index in Jakarta is currently at number three below Rawa Buaya with an AQ index of 187 and Bekasi of 166 this afternoon.
Then proceed to Depok City with an AQ index of 152 and Surabaya City with an air quality index of 127.
Furthermore, Plt. BMKG Deputy for Climatology Urip Haryoko explained that in the last few days pollutant levels in Jakarta had increased. From BMKG data, pollutant levels are at the level of 148 g/m3.
“The high concentration of PM2.5 compared to the previous days can also be seen when the air condition in Jakarta looks quite thick/dark,” said Urip as quoted on Sunday (19/6/2022).
Urip said, it is influenced by various emission sources. The emission sources come from local sources, such as transportation and residential, or from regional sources from industrial areas.
Then, the emissions in a certain time accumulate and cause an increase in pollutants in Jakarta. In addition, wind movement makes pollutants shift from emission sources to other locations.
According to Urip, the poor air quality in Jakarta can have an impact on residents who have a history of respiratory and cardiovascular disorders. He appealed to the public to reduce outdoor activities.