The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, is rumored to be following the agenda of the G20 Summit which will be held in Bali, Indonesia. Suddenly this news shocked the world because it was known that Russia was still waging war with Ukraine.
Previously, several pro-Western groups had insisted on removing Russia from the G20 membership. However, Putin will attend the event which is being held in Bali.
“Depends on the situation. So far, [Putin] is willing to come,” said Russian Ambassador to Indonesia Lyudmila Vorobieva, Wednesday (23/3/2022).
Vorobieva explained that the G20 was not a meeting to discuss the crisis in Ukraine. The agenda is to improve the problems of the world economy. Therefore, Russia supports Indonesia’s presidency this time.
He added that removing Russia from the G20 had absolutely nothing to do with ending the war. This also does not necessarily solve the world’s economic problems.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) spoke about the planned arrival of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the G20 Indonesia in Bali.
Responding to this, the Indonesian Ambassador and Staff of the Priority Program for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Co-Sherpa of the G20 Indonesia, Triansyah Djani emphasized that Indonesia, which now holds the G20 Presidency, will uphold the existing rules.
“As the [G20] Presidency, of course, and following previous presidencies is to invite all members of the G20, that Indonesia’s diplomacy is always based on principles based on principle,” Triansyah said in a virtual press conference, Thursday (24/3/2022). ).
According to him, Indonesia is professional in leading any international forum or activity so as the G20 Presidency in 2022, Indonesia is obliged to invite all its members.
Triansyah invites all parties to stay focused on the main agenda of the G20, namely the global economic recovery which is the need of many people in the world.
Furthermore, the results of the G20 agenda are urgently needed by countries with economic difficulties. These countries need solutions from the G20 members.