Indonesian People’s Antibodies to Covid-19 Reaches 98.5%


The Community Activities Restrictions Enforcement (PPKM) Regulation was officially revoked by President Jokowi, Friday (12/30/2022). One of the reasons was the level of community antibodies that has reached 98.5% against COVID-19.

This was conveyed by a spokesman for the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Mohammad Syahril. He said the Indonesian people’s antibodies to Covid-19 reached 98.5 percent. This is based on the results of SERO Survey research.

“Our antibodies through the survey sero are 98.5 percent. Shows that our nation has immunity through infection and vaccination has been very proud,” Syahril said in the future COVID-19 talk show online, Friday (12/30/2022).

Syahril rate, currently the situation of the Covid-19 case in Indonesia has begun to be under control. Because in the last 10 months there has been no significant surge in COVID-19 cases.

Syahril asked the public to remain vigilant related to government policies that had revoked the PPKM policy. This is because the World Health Organization (WHO) has not announced the pandemic’s end.

“We remain vigilant, vigilant, and alert. What does it mean? One time this pandemic can occur a new subvariants that triggers the case surge,” he concluded.

As reported earlier, the Community Activities Restrictions Enforcement (PPKM) Regulation, which has been going on since January 11, 2021, was officially revoked by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) starting Friday (30/12/2022).

“Through connection based on the available figures, today the government has decided to revoke PPKM regulation,” said Jokowi at the State Palace, Jakarta, Friday (12/30/2022).

Jokowi reasoned that the Covid-19 Pandemic Situation in Indonesia Had Slummed, Reflecting on the Daily Cases of Covid-19 on 27 December 2022, which were only 1.7 Cases per 1 Million Population. He said the weekly positivity rate was also at 3.3 percent, then the bed occupancy rate was 4.79 percent, and the death rate was 2.39 percent.

This figure, Said Jokowi, was below the standards of the world health organization, so the government decided to stop PPKM.

“So there are no more restrictions on crowds and people’s movements,” he said.

The PPKM Revocation will be stated in the Minister of Home Affairs Instruction Numbers 50 and 51 of 2022.