Papua Has Other Natural Wealth Besides Gold, The Amount Is Huge!

Papua Has Other Natural Wealth Besides Gold, The Amount Is Huge!

Papua Island has been known for its abundant gold and copper-producing areas. However, it turns out that Papua also has other natural wealth that is no less large. In fact, this natural wealth is included in the giant discovery.

The island that owns the bird of paradise species is known to have large reserves of natural gas. The reserves are so large that they are included in the giant discovery, exceeding the gas in the Masela Block, Maluku.

In addition to known sources of natural gas, Indonesia still has many basins capable of producing oil and natural gas. One of these basins is in the Papua region, namely the Warim working area near the Papua New Guinea border.

This was said directly by the Director General of Oil and Gas (Dirjen Migas), Tutuka Ariadji. She says. The basin found is in the Warim Basin which is recorded to contain enormous oil and gas potential beyond the gas of the Masela block, Maluku.

However, Tutuka has not been able to state an exact number of how much potential natural resources that exist in the Papua region. But what is certain, Tutuka said, is that the oil and gas potential in Warim is in the same class as the giant potential, even bigger than the Masela Block, Maluku, which is currently still ranked first as the owner of the largest oil and gas reserves in Indonesia.

Unfortunately, the area which has extraordinary oil and gas potential is adjacent to the Lorentz National Park. So Tutuka said the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is recalculating Warim’s potential outside the National Park.

“So we are still trying to approach outside the park, is it still big or not, that is the size of our target. Indeed, there are other places,” he said.

As is known, Papua is currently still in second place as the owner of natural gas reserves in Indonesia. its potential is 11,412 BSCF. The potentially available energy resources in Papua are indeed quite large.

For information, oil and gas reserves in Indonesia are closely related to Tertiary sedimentary basins. In the vicinity of Papua Province, some basins have been identified whose distribution is to the north and south of Papua.

Two basins to the north of Jayapura have never been drilled, three basins have been drilled but have not yielded any discoveries, one (1) basin has yielded discoveries but not yet reached the production stage, and two basins have been produced.