PeduliLindungi Being All Travel Requirements

PeduliLindungi as a travel requirement

Starting Saturday, August 28, 2021, the PeduliLindungi application is a travel requirement for land, sea, air, and rail transportation. Previously, this application was a requirement for air transportation travel last July.

Budi Karya Sumadi, Minister of Transportation (Menhub) asked all related parties to prepare themselves, both in terms of systems and procedures, so that the PeduliLindungi application can run well.

“Socialization must be carried out properly so that there are no people who are confused by this new rule. At the beginning of the application of this application, I asked the officers at the transportation nodes to help people who use transportation services who are still not aware of this rule,”


The benefits of the PeduliLindungi application include being able to help officers ensure the process of digitally validating health documents at transportation nodes. So it can be safer, faster, easier, and more practical.

In addition, with this application, physical contact is minimized because you don’t have to carry physical documents of Covid-19 test results or vaccination cards. And free from falsification of swab test results both PCR or Antigen.

As additional information, during the extension period of PPKM, level 4 until 1 starting from August 24 to 30, travel requirements during the extension period of PPKM still refer to the SE Task Force for Handling Covid-19 No. 17 of 2021 concerning Provisions for Travel of Domestic People during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 Pandemic and SE No. 18 of 2021 concerning International Travel Health Protocols during the Covid-19 Pandemic.