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Indonesia Rises 7 Levels to 27th Place in IMD World Competitiveness...

A surge of optimism is sweeping through the Indonesian government as the country's competitiveness ranking jumps seven places to 27th in the IMD World...

UK strain of COVID-19 found in 60 countries

UK strain of COVID-19 found in more than 60 countries

The UK and The European Union Have Signed Brexit Trade Agreement

The UK and the European Union signed a Cooperation and Trade Agreement after Brexit on Wednesday (30/12). The deal was signed a day before the...

Germany Has Recorded The First Case of Corona Virus Variant from...

The case found from a woman who came from London. "This is the first known case in Germany. Today a variant of the B.1.1.7 virus...

Singapore Has Reported The First Case of New British Corona Variant

The new Corona variant found in the UK has reached Singapore. Singapore confirmed its first case of COVID-19 from the mutation on Wednesday night...

WHO Claims that The Mutated Corona Virus in the UK is...

The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that the spread of the new type of corona virus (Covid-19) found in the UK is still under...

The New Type of Corona Virus in the UK that Transmits...

Several European Union countries have banned flights from the UK to stop the spread of the new strain of coronavirus, which is now spreading...

The Age factor, the Queen of Elizabeth II is the First...

Queen Elizabeth II will reportedly receive the Covid-19 vaccination from Pfizer-BioNtech in the coming weeks, after the UK parliament approved the emergency granting and...

The UK Chemical Tank Exploded, Killed 4 People

At least four people died from chemical tanks’ explosion at a wastewater treatment plant near Bristol, England, on Thursday (3/12). Avon and Somerset Regional Police...

Liverpool and London Fans Can Visit Stadium, Manchester Is Still Prohibited

Good news for club fans in Liverpool and London as they will be allowed to come to the stadium. Meanwhile, fans in Manchester are...



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